Greetings, readers! This week in The Montana Conservationist: Louis Wertz of the Western Landowners Alliance…
The Montana Conservationist December 6, 2019
Greetings readers! We’re back from an extended break, and hope you missed us. In this week’s TMC:
- Senator Daines is introducing a new agreement to settle the CSKT water compact, just days after the Trump administration said that they supported a solution without litigation. (And just a couple weeks after MACD members voted to support the compact).
- MTPR has a story on solutions for acidic soils in Montana.
- The waters of Canyon Ferry are no longer suspect for invasive mussels, which means that money previously focused on the reservoir will be freed up for inspection stations across the state.
- High Country News looks into how development, especially around Missoula, has fractured water rights in Montana and made it harder for senior users to exercise their rights.
- Western Farmer-Stockman writes about the dramatic benefits of managing stock density as a grazing tool.
- Numerous studies are showing that a warming climate may affect huckleberry production in Northwest Montana, writes the Flathead Beacon.
- And in Wyoming, a sudden sagebrush die off followed by a surprise comeback has yielded lessons about the plant’s resiliency in drought.
All of that, plus more! It’s a new edition of the Montana Conservationist, and you can read it here: TMC 2019-12-06