About Us
The Little Beaver Conservation is a board of seven locally elected officials that deal with the natural resource concerns of Fallon County Montana.
The District was first organized on October 17, 1942, as a result of petitions of the State Soil Conservation Committee and a hearing and referendum held. The District included 425,517 acres which encompassed all of the Little Beaver Creek drainages in Fallon and Carter Counties and that portion of Fallon County lying southeast of Little Beaver Creek. The boundaries were later changed to exclude those lands in Carter County and include all land in Fallon County. The towns of Baker and Plevna petitioned and entered the District in 1968. The present land area of the Little Beaver District is 1,045,120 acres.
The Montana Conservationist, v14 i8
Greetings, readers! This week in The Montana Conservationist: Louis Wertz of the Western Landowners Alliance wrote a great op-ed in the Salt Lake Tribune about the trouble with ranchettes. They…
The Montana Conservationist, V14 I7
This week in The Montana Conservationist: AIS inspectors have found 13 boats transporting invasive species in Montana, an increase over previous years. It's more important now than ever to stay…
The Montana Conservationist V14 I6
Greetings, readers! This week we've got a hearty TMC for your Memorial Day Weekend reading pleasure. Behold: A recent study modeled shrub encroachment on a sloping landscape and found that…
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Meet Company X, the All-In-One Service for Designers & Freelancers
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